Seniors Tournaments
$190 entry per tournament, Includes Big Bass (Plus $6.00 Credit Card Processing fee)
Please read this CONSENT before registering:
I have read and am familiar with the rules and in submitting this registration I hereby waive and release all contestants, sponsors, tournament and state officials from all claims due to injury or damage incurred in connection with all 2024 Hoosier Open Tournaments. In submitting I submit myself to a truth test at the discretion of tournament officials and agree to abide by the results as interpreted by professionals conducting the test. I also agree to abide by those decisions and
rulings of the director conducting these events.
Patoka 4-10-24
Entry Fee w/BB ($190) + $6.00
Mississeniwa 5-08-24
Entry Fee w/BB ($190) + $6.00
Morse 6-12-24
Entry Fee w/BB ($190) + $6.00
Geist 7-10-24
Entry Fee w/BB ($190) + $6.00
Tanners 8-28-24
Entry Fee w/BB ($190) + $6.00
Lake Shafer 9-11-24
Entry Fee w/BB ($190) + $6.00
Senior Classic 09-24-2024 / 09-25-2024
Entry Fee w/BB ($206) + $6.00
Weekend Tournaments
$210 entry per tournament, Includes Big Bass (Plus $6.00 Credit Card Processing fee)
Please read this CONSENT before registering:
I have read and am familiar with the rules and in submitting this registration I hereby waive and release all contestants, sponsors, tournament and state officials from all claims due to injury or damage incurred in connection with all 2024 Hoosier Open Tournaments. In submitting I submit myself to a truth test at the discretion of tournament officials and agree to abide by the results as interpreted by professionals conducting the test. I also agree to abide by those decisions and
rulings of the director conducting these events.